Monday, 12 February 2007

land of zidane

I'm starting to wonder whether Zidane's infamous World Cup headbutt wasn't just a token of affection such is the welcome i've received while in Algeria. Endless cries of 'Bon Courage!', food handouts and offers of help have come my way. All a bit overwhelming..
Having said all that it does still feel slightly edgy and while the polkice have done their best to assure me there is no terrorism here they have insisted on giving me a 2 police car escort everywhere (slightly embarrassing when u get overtaken by a peloton of Algerian cyclists!)

The hospitality was nicely summed up upon leaving Algeria as the customs man took me inside for the formalities followed by a cooked lunch and a chat. Just to make me feel completely at home, upon discovering my profession he then asked i could fix the bluetooth on his laptop!

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