Monday, 5 March 2007

North African Driving Etiquette

There's a different style of driving in North Africa compared to back home. One less concerned with rules and rigidity but more with flair and improvisation. I'm not sure how it evolved but perhaps it was inherited under colonnial rule - the Libyans in particular have embraced what the Italians gave them and then taken it to a whole new level.

Liberal use of the horn is of course obligatory and for those not versed in such matters i present a short guide:

1 beep - Hi! I'm somewhere outside, inside, behind or in front of you
2 beeps - Welcome to my country! Why aren't you doing this in a car?
3 beeps or more - Hold tight! I'm attempting an improbable overtaking manouevre

I think i've got to grips with the form now and should i return i will definitely equip my bike with a horn. I feel less of a man without one - it prevents me attempting that improbable overtaking manoeuvre..

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