Not much time to hang around as we wanted to get off to Khartoum the following morning but we did did spend a pleasant evening with the very helpful Billy and Christie who were en Route from Tunis to Capetown on horseback! Very impressive i thought if a bit slower than cycling - it has already taken them 15 months to get this far.
Leaving late the next morning we had only ventured about 2 hours out of town before the Sudan heat really hit us. The midday sun was now hotter than ever at 42 degrees in the shade and we cowered inside Craig's tent wondering if we would have enough water to last til the next day. A passing motorist suggested there was a camp around 10km up the road so once the sun had subsided we quickly made our way up ahead.
More Sudanese hospitality awaited as we were 'showered' with mountains of tea and food and even offered a place to rest our heads. Tempted to stay we dragged ourselves away just before sunset and cycled into the dark, keen to reach Khatoum inside 5 days.
The next four days followed a similar pattern and whilst there was little sign of towns along the route we found a regular supply of truck stops and water points along the route where we could stock up and chill out during the midday sun. Each day brought yet more great hospitality including a telling off by one local as we failed to knock on his door one night whilst camping nearby - he felt told us a felt ashamed!
The 5th day and we were determined to reach Khartoum putting in 160km before finally having the chance to shower and do some much needed washing!
Craig trying to buy yet more food

Pyramids of Meroe

Water stop

Crusty Shambles - arriving in Khartoum

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